Whole Grain
Backhaus; is the First and Innovative Bakery Offering Whole Grains and Wild Grains to the Turkish Palate
What vitamins and minerals are in the shells of grains?
The shells of grains contain vitamins Bl, B2, B3, B5, B6, Bl 2 and Vitamin E, a strong antioxidant. In addition, there are minerals such as Magnesium, which has a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases, Iron and Folic Acid, which are necessary for blood production, and Chromium and Zinc, which are known to suppress appetite.
How much fiber is in grain shells? What is fiber used for?
There is 90% -95% fiber in the shells of various grains. Fiber is a giant carbohydrate with 20,000 molecules that cannot be digested in the human digestive system. The fiber molecule, which has open bonds, swells by holding water molecules in the intestine. It creates volume, gives a feeling of fullness and prevents constipation. The fiber molecule also binds some of the fat molecules in the intestine and allows them to be excreted before they pass into the blood. It slows down the absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood, balances blood sugar and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. It binds carcinogenic substances taken with food in the intestine. It ensures their excretion. In other words, fiber is the garbage collector of the intestines. For a healthy diet, 30 grams of fiber should be taken daily.
Why should white bread not be preferred?
White flour, which is whitened and made delicious by shaving the wheat husks, is a hollow energy source containing a lot of starch and a small amount of vegetable protein.
Shaving the husks destroys everything that has nutritional value in the bread.
What is whole grain bread?
- Whole grain bread is a natural bread produced from whole grain flour obtained by grinding the grain grain with its husks.
- It has high nutritional value.
- It keeps you full for a long time.
All Backhaus breads are made from the best quality whole grain grains.
Why are oilseeds added to breads?
Oilseeds such as flaxseed, sunflower kernel and sesame contain essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, which must be taken from outside and are very necessary for health. Flaxseed is one of the two largest sources of alpha-linoleic acid, known as Omega 3, in nature. The other is fish oil. Since it is difficult to take with food, the importance of taking this essential fatty acid from outside has been well understood in recent years. Sunflower kernel contains Omega 6 (linoleic acid), which is also an essential fatty acid. Omega 6 also has a lowering effect on bad cholesterol. Sesame is an oilseed rich in oleic acid, which is also good cholesterol. In addition, selenium in sesame is a strong antioxidant and strengthens the immune system.
Why are grain mixtures more beneficial for us?
The nutritional values of grains vary. For example; while wheat is rich in vitamin B3 and rye is rich in vitamin B2, these two are poorer in minerals and fiber than oats. Therefore, by mixing grains, more delicious and healthier breads are obtained.
Why should not whole wheat bread be eaten all the time?
Phytate acids in bran stop the absorption of calcium, iron and zinc from the intestines. Long-term use of whole wheat bread causes anemia. Also, since it stops calcium absorption, it should not be fed to growing children and middle-aged people who are at risk of osteoporosis. People who are in the habit of eating only whole wheat bread should occasionally replace whole wheat bread with oat, rye and other multi-grain breads.
What are the calorie amounts of whole grain breads?
All whole grain breads provide less energy than white bread because they have high fiber content (Fiber is O calories). The lowest calorie Backhaus breads are:
- Voli-Gut: 206 k.cal per 100 grams
- Dinkel Berger: 235 k.cal per 100 grams
- Fitty bread: 256 k.cal per 100 grams
Note: 100 grams of white bread is 400 k.cal.
Why can't we apply a bread-free diet for a long time?
Diets based on protein, completely cutting out carbohydrates, cause rapid weight loss, but they disrupt metabolism and damage the body. Because the end product of protein metabolism is ketones. The amount of acetone and ketone in the body increases. This damages the kidneys, destroys cells, and causes premature aging. For these reasons, we must definitely take carbohydrates, one of the basic nutrients, in sufficient amounts for our health. Any diet that leads to unbalanced nutrition over long periods of time will produce unhealthy results.
What is Sourdough Bread?
It is bread made with the traditional bread leavening method. The beneficial bacteria in the sourdough feed on the nutrient-rich whole wheat flour and mineral-rich salt and release carbon dioxide gas. The leavening continues and as the dough rises, it acquires a fine-textured, wet structure and a sour taste. We use sourdoughs produced with traditional methods in all Backhaus breads.